At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Medical Definition Of Dystocia. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Dystocia | definition of dystocia by Medical dictionary
    dystocia. [ dis-to´she-ah] abnormal labor or childbirth. fetal dystocia that due to shape, size, or position of the fetus. maternal dystocia that due to some condition inherent in the mother. placental dystocia difficult delivery of the placenta.

Dystocia Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    dys· to· cia dis-ˈtō-sh (ē-)ə : slow or difficult labor or delivery Example Sentences Recent Examples on the Web Complications like shoulder dystocia are rare …

Labor Dystocia: Symptoms, Prevalence, Risk Factors

    Shoulder Dystocia: Signs, Causes, Prevention
      Shoulder dystocia is a condition that happens when one or both of your baby’s shoulders get stuck during vaginal delivery. There are no signs and no way to prevent the condition. …

    Fetal Dystocia: Causes, Contributing …
      What is fetal dystocia? The straightforward answer is that it’s a challenging delivery resulting from a larger-than-average baby or awkward positioning. One of many variations of …

    Dystonia: Causes, Types, Symptoms, and Treatments
      Dystonia is a movement disorder in which a person's muscles contract uncontrollably. The contraction causes the affected body part to twist involuntarily, …

    Shoulder Dystocia - StatPearls - NCBI …
      Shoulder dystocia is, by definition, a mechanical problem occurring during a vaginal delivery characterized by one of the following parameters: …

    Shoulder Dystocia: What Is It and How Does It Impact …
      Shoulder dystocia is a condition in which your infant’s shoulders are impacted by your pelvic bones during vaginal delivery. Depending on the severity of the impact, your infant …

    Dystocia - definition of dystocia by The Free Dictionary
      dystocia ( dɪsˈtəʊʃə) n (Gynaecology & Obstetrics) med abnormal, slow, or difficult childbirth, usually because of disordered or ineffective contractions of the uterus [New …

    Dystonia - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic
      Dystonia is a movement disorder that causes the muscles to contract involuntarily. This can cause repetitive or twisting movements. The condition can affect …

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