At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Medical Definition Of Hemostat. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Hemostat Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    Medical Definition hemostat noun he· mo· stat variants or chiefly British haemostat ˈhē-mə-ˌstat 1 : hemostatic 2 : an instrument and especially forceps for compressing a bleeding vessel More from Merriam-Webster on hemostat …

Hemostat | definition of hemostat by Medical dictionary
    1. Any agent that arrests, chemically or mechanically, the flow of blood from an open vessel. 2. An instrument for arresting hemorrhage by compression of the bleeding vessel. Farlex …

Hemostat Definition & Meaning |
    noun an instrument or agent used to compress or treat bleeding vessels in order to arrest hemorrhage. COMPARE MEANINGS forceps hemostat QUIZ Smoothly step over to …

Hemostat - Wikipedia

    Physiology, Hemostasis - StatPearls - NCBI Bookshelf
      Definition. Hemostasis is the mechanism that leads to cessation of bleeding from a blood vessel. It is a process that involves …

    Hemostatic | definition of hemostatic by Medical dictionary
      he·mo·stat·ic ( hē'mō-stat'ik ), 1. Arresting the flow of blood within the vessels. 2. Synonym (s): antihemorrhagic Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012 hemostatic …

    Hemostasis | definition of hemostasis by Medical dictionary
      1. The arrest of bleeding. 2. The arrest of circulation in a part. 3. Stagnation of blood. Synonym (s): hemostasia [hemo- + G. stasis, a standing] Farlex Partner Medical …

    Hemostatic Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
      Medical Definition hemostatic 1 of 2 noun he· mo· stat· ic variants or chiefly British haemostatic ˌhē-mə-ˈstat-ik : an agent that checks bleeding especially : one that shortens …

    Hemostats | definition of hemostats by Medical dictionary
      hemostats. Surgery A hand-held surgical instrument with flattened opposing surfaces used to occlude blood vessels for hemostasis. McGraw-Hill Concise Dictionary of …

    Hemostatics | definition of Hemostatics by Medical …
      hemostasia. (hē′mə-stā′zhə, -zhē-ə, -zē-ə) n. 1. The stoppage of bleeding or hemorrhage. 2. The stoppage of blood flow through a blood vessel or body part. The American …

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