At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Medical Definition Of Heterogeneity. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Heterogeneity | definition of heterogeneity by Medical …
    heterogeneity. [ het″er-o-jĕ-ne´ĭ-te] the state or quality of being heterogeneous. In genetics, the production of identical or similar phenotypes by different genetic mechanisms. A phenotype resembling a known phenotype but determined by a different genetic …

Heterogeneity Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    The meaning of HETEROGENEITY is the quality or state of consisting of dissimilar or diverse elements : the quality or state of being heterogeneous. How to use …

Heterogeneous | definition of heterogeneous by Medical …
    heterogeneous. [ het″er-o-je´ne-us] 1. consisting of or composed of dissimilar elements or ingredients; not having a uniform quality throughout. 2. in genetics, said of a trait …

Heterogeneous Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    Medical Definition heterogeneous adjective het· ero· ge· neous ˌhet-ə-rə-ˈjē-nē-əs, ˌhe-trə-, -nyəs : not uniform in structure or composition tumors which have a heterogeneous …

Heterogeneity: what is it and why does it matter?
    Heterogeneity is not something to be afraid of, it just means that there is variability in your data. So, if one brings together different …

9.5.1 What is heterogeneity? - Cochrane
    Any kind of variability among studies in a systematic review may be termed heterogeneity. It can be helpful to distinguish between different types of heterogeneity. …

What is heterogeneity and is it important? | The BMJ
    Clinical heterogeneity. Sometimes trials are just looking at different concepts. Reviewers might set out to summarise interventions for improving patients' ability to make treatment choices; the trials, however, …

Heterogeneous vs heterogenous | Radiology Reference …
    Heterogeneous refers to a structure with dissimilar components or elements, appearing irregular or variegated. For example, a dermoid cyst has …

What is heterogeneity and is it important? - St.
    Statistical heterogeneity is apparent only after the analy-sis of the results. Heterogeneity may be judged graphi-cally (by looking at the forest plot) and be measured statistically. In …

Heterogeneous -
    Heterogeneous is a word pathologists use to describe tissue that looks very different from one area of the tissue to the next. Differences in colour, shape, and size can make a …

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