At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Medical Definition Of Hypotonia. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Hypotonia - National Institute of Neurological Disorders …
    Hypotonia is a term that describes decreased muscle tone. Typically, muscles have a very small amount of contraction that gives them a springy feel even when relaxed. This also provides some resistance to passive movement. Hypotonia can result …

Hypotonia | definition of hypotonia by Medical dictionary
    hy·po·to·ni·a. ( hī'pō-tō'nē-ă) 1. Reduced tension in any part, as in the eyeball. 2. Relaxation of the arteries. 3. A condition in which there is a diminution or loss of …

Hypotonia: Symptoms, Causes, and Diagnosis - Verywell …
    Hypotonia is decreased muscle tone. It is often an early sign of a chronic condition such as a neuromuscular disorder, genetic disease, or metabolic disease. 1 …

Hypotonia: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia
    Hypotonia means decreased muscle tone. Considerations Hypotonia is often a sign of a worrisome problem. The condition can affect children or adults. Infants with this …

What Is Hypotonia, or Floppy Infant Syndrome? - WebMD
    Hypotonia is a medical word for low muscle tone. If your baby has it, they will likely feel limp in your arms, like a rag doll. That’s why it’s also called floppy infant syndrome. …

Hypotonia: Symptoms, causes, treatment, …
    Hypotonia is the medical term for low muscle tone that doctors usually diagnose in infants. People sometimes call it floppy muscle syndrome. Usually, even …

Hypotonia - Child Neurology Foundation
    Hypotonia is defined as decreased muscle tone. Muscle tone refers to the way muscles resist when another person (or force) stretches or pushes on them. High tone means …

Medical Definition of Hypotonia - MedicineNet
    Hypotonia: Decreased muscle tone and strength that results in floppiness. Hypotonia is a common finding with cerebral palsy and other neuromuscular …

Muscle hypotonia | definition of Muscle hypotonia by …
    hy·po·to·ni·a ( hī'pō-tō'nē-ă) 1. Reduced tension in any part, as in the eyeball. 2. Relaxation of the arteries. 3. A condition in which there is a diminution or loss of …

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