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Obturator | definition of obturator by Medical dictionary
    obturator [ob´too͡-ra″tor] 1. a disk or plate that closes an opening. 2. a prosthesis for closing an acquired or congenital opening of the palate (cleft palate). obturator sign pain on outward pressure on the obturator foramen as a sign of inflammation in the sheath of the …

Obturator Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    obturator: [noun] something (such as a prosthetic device) that closes or blocks up an opening (such as a fissure in the palate).

Obturator nerve Definition & Meaning | Merriam-Webster …
    noun. : a branch of the lumbar plexus that arises from the second, third, and fourth lumbar nerves and that supplies the hip and knee joints, the adductor …

Obturator sign | definition of obturator sign by Medical …
    obturator sign: [ ob´too͡-ra″tor ] 1. a disk or plate that closes an opening. 2. a prosthesis for closing an acquired or congenital opening of the palate ( cleft palate ). obturator sign …

Obturator artery Definition & Meaning | Merriam-Webster …
    noun. : an artery that arises from the internal iliac artery or one of its branches, passes out through the obturator canal, and divides into two branches which …

Obturator nerve | definition of obturator nerve by Medical …
    obturator nerve. A motor nerve originating in the lumbar plexus and composed of axons from spinal cord segments L2–L4. It passes into the thigh through the obturator foramen …

Obturator artery | definition of obturator artery by Medical …
    ob·tu·ra·tor ar·ter·y [TA] origin, anterior division of internal iliac, with an accessory or replaced obturator artery arising from the inferior epegastric artery as often as 20% of …

Obturator canal Definition & Meaning | Merriam-Webster …
    noun. : the small patent opening of the obturator foramen through which nerves and vessels pass and which is formed by the obturator groove covered over by …

What is the definition of Obturator? |
    1. Any structure that occludes an opening. 2. Noting a large opening in the lower part of the os innominatum, the obturator foramen, the occluding membrane of the same, or any of …

What Is The Function Of The Obturator Foramen? - Times Mojo
    Medical Definition of obturator foramen: an opening that is the largest foramen in the human body, ... The obturator internus muscle originates from the inferior …

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