At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Medical Definition Of Paraphasia. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Paraphasia Definition & Meaning | Merriam-Webster …
    paraphasia noun par· a· pha· sia -ˈfā-zh (ē-)ə : aphasia in which the patient uses wrong words or uses words or sounds in senseless combinations called also paragrammatism paraphasic -ˈfā-zik adjective Dictionary Entries Near paraphasia parapharyngeal space …

Paraphasia | definition of paraphasia by Medical dictionary
    par·a·pha·si·a ( par'ă-fā'zē-ă ), A form of aphasia in which a person has lost the ability to speak correctly, substituting one word for another and jumbling words and sentences …

Paraphasia - Wikipedia

    What Is Paraphasia? - The Aphasia Community - Lingraphica
      A paraphasia is the production of an unintended sound within a word, or of a whole word or phrase. It can be the substitution of one sound for another sound, using the wrong word, …

    Aphasia - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic
      Aphasia is a disorder that affects how you communicate. It can impact your speech, as well as the way you write and understand both spoken and written …

    Paraphasia - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
      Paraphasia. A paraphasia has two essential features: (1) It is an error of selection resulting in the substitution of a word or part of a word with a frequently incorrect …

    Paraphemia | definition of paraphemia by Medical dictionary
      paraphasia. [ par″ah-fa´zhah] partial aphasia in which the patient uses wrong words, or uses words in wrong and senseless combinations. Called also paragrammatism, …

    Paraphasic | definition of paraphasic by Medical dictionary
      paraphasia. (par-a-fa'ze-a) [? + aphasis, speech loss] A form of aphasia in which a meaningless or inappropriate word or syllable is substituted for the correct spoken …

    Paresthesia - National Institute of Neurological Disorders …
      Paresthesia refers to a burning or prickling sensation that is usually felt in the hands, arms, legs, or feet, but can also occur in other parts of the body. The …

    Parapraxia | definition of parapraxia by Medical dictionary
      parapraxis. [ par″ah-prak´sis] (pl. paraprax´es .) a lapse of memory or mental error, such as a slip of the tongue or misplacement of an object, which, in psychoanalytic …

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