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Penumbra | definition of penumbra by Medical dictionary
    pe·num·bra ( pĕ-nŭm'bră) 1. radiology The blurred margin of an image. 2. radiation physics The region at the edges of a radiation beam over which a rapid change in dosage rate occurs. Synonym (s): geometric unsharpness. [Mod. L., fr. L. paene, almost, + umbra, …

Penumbra (medicine) - Wikipedia

    Penumbra Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
      or penumbras. Synonyms of penumbra. 1. a. : a space of partial illumination (as in an eclipse) between the perfect shadow on all sides and the full light. b. : a …

    The ischemic penumbra: identification, evolution and …
      The concept of the ischemic penumbra is an important one for both basic investigators of cerebral ischemia and for clinicians who treat stroke patients. The ischemic …

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