At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Medical Definition Of Stable. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Stable | definition of stable by Medical dictionary
    stable. (stā′bəl) adj. 1. Resistant to change of position or condition. 2. Not showing or marked by erratic or volatile emotions or behavior. 3. Having no known mode of decay; indefinitely long-lived.

Critical, Stable, or Fair: Defining Patient Conditions
    In general, this means the person’s vital signs -- like their heart rate, blood pressure, and body temperature -- are steady and within normal limits. …

Stable Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    1. : a building in which domestic animals are sheltered and fed. especially : such a building having stalls or compartments. a horse stable. 2. a. : the racehorses of one …

Stables | definition of stables by Medical dictionary
    ( stā'bĕl ), Steady; not varying; resistant to change. See also: stabile. Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012 stable (stā′bəl) adj. 1. Resistant to change of position or …

Patient condition terminology: Do you really know what …
    In this brief on privacy regulations, the American Hospital Association (AHA) recommends that all providers use the following …

Is this patient really “(un)stable”? How to describe …
    A stable condition can be defined as a situation that does not change substantially over time. But surely all critically ill patients are per se un stable as, by the very nature of being critically ill, their physiological …

What Does "Critical But Stable" Mean? | Reader's Digest
    A case in point is the phrase “critical but stable condition,” which means that a patient is in critical condition, but doctors have stabilized them and they are unlikely to get …

Medically Stable Definition | Law Insider
    Medically Stable means good physical health, with no acute or chronic health problems for which medical treatment beyond routine medical care is required or anticipated. …

What do "stable," "critical," and other medical conditions …
    Undetermined: Patient awaiting physician and assessment. Good: Vital signs are stable and within normal limits. Patient is conscious and comfortable. Indicators are …

CRITICAL, FAIR, OR STABLE? – Orlando Sentinel
    Technically, stable means that a person's pulse, temperature and blood pressure are unchanged and within a normal range. But it also implies a leveling off, …

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