At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Medical Definition Of Teratoma. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Teratoma: Definition, Symptoms, Causes, Cancer, …

    Teratoma: Tumor Diagnosis, Treatment & Symptoms
      A teratoma is a rare type of germ cell tumor that may contain immature or fully formed tissue, including teeth, hair, bone and muscle. Teratomas may be cancerous or …

    What is a Teratoma? Types, Causes, Symptoms, and …
      Teratomas are rare tumors that may hold different types of tissue such as bone, teeth, muscle, and hair. They’re mostly found in the ovaries, testicles, and tailbone, but also …

    Teratoma Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
      teratoma noun ter· a· to· ma ˌter-ə-ˈtō-mə plural teratomas also teratomata ˌter-ə-ˈtō-mə-tə : a tumor made up of a heterogeneous mixture of tissues Example Sentences Recent …

    Teratoma | definition of teratoma by Medical dictionary
      teratoma. A tumour derived from the multipotent cells of more than one primitive embryonic layer (ectoderm, endoderm, mesoderm), which differs in prognosis …

    Teratoma - Wikipedia
      A teratoma is a tumor made up of several different types of tissue, such as hair, muscle, teeth, or bone. [4] Teratomata typically form in the ovary, testicle, or coccyx. [4] …

    Teratomas | definition of teratomas by Medical dictionary
      teratoma (tĕr′ə-tō′mə) n. pl. terato·mas or terato·mata (-mə-tə) A tumor consisting of different types of tissue, as of skin, hair, and muscle, caused by the development of …

    Teratoma - WebMD
      Medical Dictionary Teratoma A type of tumor that can take on human aspects -- it might grow hair, teeth, or even part of a finger or eyeball. WebMD Definition Today on WebMD …

    Medical Definition of Teratoma - MedicineNet
      Medical Definition of Teratoma. Teratoma: A type of germ cell tumor that may contain several different types of tissue and sometimes mature elements such …

    Teratoma: What Is It, Signs, Symptoms, and More | Osmosis
      A teratoma is a type of germ cell tumor that contains different types of tissues, including hair, teeth, eyes, bone, muscle, and neurons. Although teratomas are found primarily in …

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