At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Medical Definition Of Undermining. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Undermine Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    undermined; undermining; undermines Synonyms of undermine transitive verb 1 : to subvert or weaken insidiously or secretly trying to undermine his political rivals 2 : to weaken or ruin by degrees 3 : to wash away supporting material from under 4 : to …

Undermining – Closing the Gap
    Home Techniques Advanced Suturing Undermining. Undermining is one of the most underutilized, but superbly useful techniques in high tension laceration repair. Undermining refers to the technique of using sterile …

    Undermining: Area of tissue destruction extending under the skin along the periphery of the wound. The wound is spread out underneath the skin that surrounds the visible part of …

Undermining Wounds | Definition, Measurement, and …
    Undermining in a wound is when a pocket of dead space occurs under the skin originating from the edges of the wound and spreading outwards. This creates a …

How to Assess Wounds for Tunneling and Undermining
    Undermining is measured directly under the wound edge with a probe held almost parallel to the wound surface, stopping when resistance is felt. The …

Undermining - University of Utah
    John L. Bezzant,M.D. The edges of the wound should pull together easily; if not, undermining needs to be done. Undermining means cutting the fibrous septae that …

Undermining - definition of undermining by The Free …
    1. To weaken by wearing away a base or foundation: Water has undermined the stone foundations. 2. To weaken, injure, or impair, often by degrees or imperceptibly; sap: Late …

Undermining: What it is? - Wound, Ostomy, Continence
    Underming is deep tissue (subcutaneous fat and muscle) damage around the wound margin. Tunneling is just under the skin surface and doesn't involve …

Undermining resorption | definition of undermining
    The act of resorbing. 2. A loss of substance by lysis, or by physiologic or pathologic means. Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012 re·sorp·tion ( rē-sōrp'shŭn) 1. The act …

Undermining ulcer | definition of undermining ulcer by …
    un·der·min·ing ul·cer. a chronic cutaneous ulcer with overhanging margins; due to hemolytic streptococci, tubercle bacilli, or other bacteria. Want to thank TFD for its …

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