At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Medical Definition Of Vessels. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Vessels | definition of Vessels by Medical dictionary
    vessel [ ves´el] any channel for carrying a fluid, such as blood or lymph; called also vas. absorbent vessel lymphatic vessel. blood vessel any of the vessels conveying the blood; an artery, arteriole, vein, venule, or capillary. collateral vessel 1. a vessel that parallels …

Vessel | definition of vessel by Medical dictionary
    vessel [ ves´el] any channel for carrying a fluid, such as blood or lymph; called also vas. absorbent vessel lymphatic vessel. blood vessel any of the vessels conveying the …

Blood Vessels: Types, Anatomy, Function & Conditions
    The blood supplies them with the oxygen and nutrients they need to function. Blood vessels also carry waste products and carbon dioxide away from your organs and tissues. …

Blood vessel | Definition, Anatomy, …
    blood vessel, a vessel in the human or animal body in which blood circulates. The vessels that …

Arteriosclerosis / atherosclerosis - Symptoms and causes

    Lymphatic Vessels: Anatomy, Function, and …
      Table of Contents Anatomy Function Associated Conditions Tests Lymphatic vessels (also known as lymph vessels or lymphatics) are part of the body’s …

    Med Term - Blood Vessels Flashcards | Quizlet
      isch/o to hold back occlus/o to close up phleb/o vein scler/o hardening sten/o narrowing thromb/o clot of blood vas/o vessel ven/i vein arteries branching systems of vessels that …

    Medical Definition of Vessel - MedicineNet
      Vessel: A tube in the body that carries fluids. Examples of vessels are blood vessels and lymph vessels. Examples of vessels are blood vessels and lymph …

    Vasculitis - Symptoms and causes - Mayo …
      Overview. Vasculitis involves inflammation of the blood vessels. The inflammation can cause the walls of the blood vessels to thicken, which reduces the width of the …

    Vessel Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
      ves· sel ˈves-əl 1 : a hollow utensil (as a cup or bowl) for holding something 2 : a craft bigger than a rowboat for navigation of the water especially : ship entry 1 sense 1 3 a : a …

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