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Zygoma | definition of zygoma by Medical dictionary
- zy·go·mat·ic bone ( zī'gō-mat'ik bōn) [TA] Quadrilateral bone that forms prominence of cheek, lateral wall and margin of orbit, and anterior two thirds of zygomatic arch; it articulates with the frontal, sphenoid, temporal, and maxillary bones. Synonym (s): cheek …
Zygomas | definition of zygomas by Medical dictionary
- zy·go·mat·ic bone. ( zī'gō-mat'ik bōn) [TA] Quadrilateral bone that forms prominence of cheek, lateral wall and margin of orbit, and anterior two thirds of zygomatic arch; it …
Medical Definition of Zygoma -
- Zygoma: The bone that forms the prominence of the cheek. Also known as zygomatic bone, zygomatic arch, malar bone, and yoke bone. Also known as …
Zygomatic Bone: Anatomy, Function, and Treatment
Medical Definition of Zygomatic bone - MedicineNet
- Zygomatic bone: The part of the temporal bone of the skull that forms the prominence of the cheek. The zygomatic bone is also known as the zygomatic arch, …
Zygomatic bone Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
- Medical Definition zygomatic bone noun : a bone of the side of the face below the eye that in mammals forms part of the zygomatic arch and part of the orbit and articulates with …
Zygoma Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
- zygoma noun zy· go· ma zī-ˈgō-mə plural zygomata zī-ˈgō-mə-tə also zygomas 1 a : zygomatic arch b : a slender bony process of the zygomatic arch 2 : zygomatic bone …
Zygoma - definition of zygoma by The Free Dictionary
- (zī-gō′mə, zĭ-) n. pl. zy·go·ma·ta (-mə-tə) or zy·go·mas 1. The zygomatic bone. 2. The zygomatic arch. 3. The zygomatic process. [New Latin zygōma, zygōmat-, from Greek …
Zygomatic bone - Wikipedia
- The zygomatic nerve passes through the zygomatic-orbital foramen on this surface. The lateral palpebral ligament attaches to a small protuberance called the orbital tubercle. …
Medical Definition of Bone, zygomatic -
- Bone, zygomatic: The bone that forms the prominence of the cheek. The zygomatic bone is also known as the zygoma, the zygomatic arch, malar bone, yoke …
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