At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Medical Definition Of Zygote. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Zygote | definition of zygote by Medical dictionary
    zygote [zi´gōt] the cell resulting from union of a male and a female gamete; the fertilized ovum (see also reproduction). More precisely, the cell after synapsis at the completion of fertilization until first cleavage. adj., adj zygot´ic. Development of the zygote. A, A sperm …

Zygote Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    The meaning of ZYGOTE is a cell formed by the union of two gametes; broadly : the developing individual produced from such a cell.

Zygotes | definition of Zygotes by Medical dictionary
    zygote [zi´gōt] the cell resulting from union of a male and a female gamete; the fertilized ovum (see also reproduction). More precisely, the cell after synapsis at the completion of …

Zygote | Definition, Development, Example, …
    zygote, fertilized egg cell that results from the union of a female gamete (egg, or ovum) with a male …

What Is a Zygote? Stages of Conception …
    A zygote is a fertilized egg that can eventually become an embryo. A zygote, also known as a fertilized …

Medical Definition of Zygote - MedicineNet
    Medical Definition of Zygote. Zygote: The cell formed by the union of a male sex cell (a sperm) and a female sex cell (an ovum). The zygote develops into the …

What's the Difference Between Zygote, …
    Medical definition of 'zygote' By zygote or zygocyte we refer to the very first stage of life, which starts after the union of egg and sperm (male and female …

Zygote - Definition and Examples | Biology …
    A zygote is the cell formed when two gametes fuse during fertilization. The DNA material from the two cells is combined in the resulting zygote. The cellular …

Zygosity | definition of zygosity by Medical dictionary
    zygosity. [ zi-gos´ĭ-te] the condition relating to conjugation, or to the zygote, such as (a) the state of a cell or individual in regard to the alleles determining a specific character, …

zygote - Definition |
    Definitions related to zygote: Developmental organism which is a diploid nucleated cell that results from the union of the sperm and an ovum. Foundational Model of Anatomy. …

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