At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Medical Definition Punctate Erythema. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Punctate erythema | definition of punctate erythema by …
    punctate erythema: Erythema occurring in minute points, such as scarlet fever rash. See also: erythema

Erythema | definition of erythema by Medical dictionary
    erythema [er″ĭ-the´mah] redness of the skin caused by congestion of the capillaries in the lower layers of the skin. It occurs with any skin injury, infection, or inflammation. …

erythema | Taber's Medical Dictionary
    erythema answers are found in the Taber's Medical Dictionary powered by Unbound Medicine. Available for iPhone, iPad, Android, and Web.

Punctate erythema | Article about punctate erythema by The Free Dictionary
    erythema. erythema (ĕrˌəthēˈmə), more or less diffuse redness of the skin due to concentration of an abnormally large amount of blood within the small vessels of the skin (hyperemia), as in burns. Erythema nodosum is often associated with systemic diseases such as tuberculosis and rheumatic fever.

Punctate erythema - definition of punctate erythema by …
    Noun. 1. erythema - abnormal redness of the skin resulting from dilation of blood vessels (as sunburn inflammation) erythema multiforme - a red rash caused by hypersensitivity …

Erythema | Types, Causes, Symptoms …
    Some erythema breakouts are signs of complex illnesses such as liver disease, diabetes and thyroid diseases. The disease-related types are erythema infectiosum (fifth disease), erythema chronicum migrans, …

Erythema Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    erythema: [noun] abnormal redness of the skin or mucous membranes due to capillary congestion (as in inflammation).

Punctate | definition of punctate by Medical dictionary
    punc·tate. ( pŭngk'tāt) Marked with points or dots differentiated from the surrounding surface by color, elevation, or texture. [L. punctum, a point]

Punctate Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    punctate: [adjective] marked with minute spots or depressions.

Punctate hemorrhage | definition of punctate hemorrhage by Medical ...
    the escape of blood from a ruptured vessel; it can be either external or internal. Blood from an artery is bright red in color and comes in spurts; that from a vein is dark red and comes in a steady flow. Aside from the obvious flow of blood from a wound or body orifice, massive hemorrhage can be detected by other signs, such as restlessness ...

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