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Ramus | definition of ramus by Medical dictionary
    ra·mus , pl. rami ( rā'mŭs, -mī) 1. [TA] Synonym (s): branch. 2. One of the primary divisions of a nerve or blood vessel. See also: artery, nerve 3. A part of an irregularly shaped bone (less slender than a "process") that forms an angle with the main body (e.g., ramus of …

Ramus Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    ramus. noun. ra· mus ˈrā-məs. plural rami -ˌmī. : a projecting part, elongated process, or branch: as. a. : the posterior more or less vertical part of the lower jaw on each side …

Medical Definition of Ramus - MedicineNet
    Ramus: In anatomy, a branch, such as a branch of a blood vessel or nerve. For example, the ramus acetabularis arteriae circumflexae femoris medialis is the branch …

Dorsal ramus | definition of Dorsal ramus by Medical …
    ra·mus , pl. rami ( rā'mŭs, -mī) 1. [TA] Synonym (s): branch. 2. One of the primary divisions of a nerve or blood vessel. See also: artery, nerve 3. A part of an irregularly shaped bone …

Ascending ramus | definition of ascending ramus by …
    ra·mus , pl. rami ( rā'mŭs, -mī) 1. [TA] Synonym (s): branch. 2. One of the primary divisions of a nerve or blood vessel. See also: artery, nerve 3. A part of an irregularly shaped bone …

Ischial ramus | definition of Ischial ramus by Medical …
    the branch of the ischial bone, formerly called inferior branch of the ischium; the portion of the bone that passes forward from the ischial tuberosity to join the inferior ramus of the …

Ramus Definition & Meaning |
    ramus / ( ˈreɪməs) / noun plural -mi (-maɪ) the barb of a bird's feather either of the two parts of the lower jaw of a vertebrate any part or organ that branches from another part Word …

Mandibular ramus | definition of mandibular ramus by …
    Medical Dictionary, © 2009 Farlex and Partners man·dib·u·lar ra·mus ( man-dibyū-lăr rāmŭs) The upturned perpendicular extremity of the mandible on either side; it gives …

Medical Definition of Ramus - RxList
    Ramus: In anatomy, a branch, such as a branch of a blood vessel or nerve. For example, the ramus acetabularis arteriae circumflexae femoris medialis is the branch …

ramus - Medical Dictionary
    ramus - Medical Dictionary ramus defined by Medical Dictionary Online. Dictionary results for ramus and medical related terminology. Medical Dictionary A Medical …

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