At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Medical Definition Ranula. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Ranula: What it Is, Treatment & Causes - Cleveland Clinic
    A ranula is a spit-filled cyst that forms under your tongue. It can result from a blocked salivary gland. Instead of saliva draining from the gland into your mouth, it leaks into nearby tissues, forming a cyst or “bubble.” Ranulas aren’t serious, and they typically aren’t …

Ranula: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment
    A ranula is a fluid collection or cyst that forms in the mouth under the tongue. It is filled with saliva (spit) that has leaked out of a damaged salivary gland. Salivary glands are small …

Ranula: Plunging, Cyst, and Surgery - Healthline

    Ranula: Definition, Symptoms, Treatments
      A ranula is a cyst filled with saliva from a damaged salivary gland. A plunging ranula is a more severe type when the cyst grows larger underneath the tongue and may …

    What Causes a Ranula? Signs and Symptoms - WebMD
      A ranula is a blue-tinted or clear cyst in your mouth caused by a blockage in the salivary gland. The growth can vary in size, depending on the severity of the condition. Some of …

    Ranula Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
      ranula noun ran· u· la ˈran-yə-lə : a cyst formed under the tongue by obstruction of a gland duct Word History Etymology New Latin, from Latin, swelling on the tongue of cattle, from …

    Ranula | definition of ranula by Medical dictionary
      ranula A translucent, saliva-filled cyst under the tongue caused by obstruction of the duct of one of the salivary glands, usually by a salivary stone (calculus). Treatment is by opening …

    Ranula | Radiology Reference Article
      Ranulas are rare, benign, acquired, cystic lesions that occur at the floor of the mouth as sublingual or minor salivary gland retention cysts. Epidemiology …

    Ranula - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
      A ranula is a mucous retention cyst that occurs in the floor of the mouth and is associated with the sublingual gland. A ranula in a young pediatric patient needs to be differentiated …

    Ranulae | definition of ranulae by Medical …
      ranula A translucent, saliva-filled cyst under the tongue caused by obstruction of the duct of one of the salivary glands, usually by a salivary stone (calculus). Treatment is …

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