At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Medical Definition Sclerose. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Sclerose Definition & Meaning | Merriam-Webster Medical
    sclerose verb scle· rose sklə-ˈrōs -ˈrōz sclerosed; sclerosing transitive verb : to cause sclerosis in chronic infections may sclerose kidneys intransitive verb : to undergo or become affected with sclerosis : become sclerotic arteries of older people often tend to …

Sclerosis Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    noun. scle· ro· sis sklə-ˈrō-səs. 1. : pathological hardening of tissue especially from overgrowth of fibrous tissue or increase in interstitial tissue. also : a disease …

Sclerose | definition of sclerose by Medical dictionary
    sclerose [ skle´rōs] to become, or cause to become, hardened. Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, Seventh Edition. © 2003 by …

Sclerosis | definition of sclerosis by Medical dictionary
    n. pl. sclero·ses (-sēz) 1. a. A thickening or hardening of a body part, as of an artery, especially from excessive formation of fibrous interstitial tissue. b. A disease …

Multiple sclerosis - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic

    Medical Definition of Sclerosis - MedicineNet
      Sclerosis: Localized hardening of skin. Sclerosis is generally caused by underlying diseases, such as diabetes and scleroderma. Treatment is directed toward the …

    Sclerose - definition of sclerose by The Free Dictionary
      scle·rose. (sklə-rōz′, -rōs′) v. scle·rosed, scle·ros·ing, scle·ros·es. To affect with sclerosis. v.intr. To undergo sclerosis. [Back-formation from sclerosis .] American …

    Scleroderma - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic
      Causes. Scleroderma results from an overproduction and accumulation of collagen in body tissues. Collagen is a fibrous type of protein that makes up your …

    sclerose - Medical Dictionary
      No one knows what causes scleroderma. It is more common in women. It can be mild or severe. Doctors diagnose scleroderma using your medical history, a physical exam, lab …

    Sclerosis Definition & Meaning |
      noun, plural scle·ro·ses [skli-roh-seez]. Pathology. a hardening or induration of a tissue or part, or an increase of connective tissue or the like at the expense of more …

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