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Surfactant | definition of surfactant by Medical dictionary
- Surfactant is a complex naturally occurring substance made of six lipids (fats) and four proteins that is produced in the lungs. It can also be manufactured synthetically. Purpose Surfactant reduces the surface tension of fluid in the lungs and helps make the small air …
Surfactant Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
- sur· fac· tant (ˌ)sər-ˈfak-tənt, ˈsər-ˌ : a surface-active substance specifically : a surface-active lipoprotein mixture which coats the alveoli and which prevents collapse of the lungs by …
Surfactants | definition of surfactants by Medical dictionary
- surfactants Substances that reduces SURFACE TENSION and promotes wetting of surfaces. The lungs contain a surfactant to prevent collapse of the alveoli. Pulmonary …
Medical Definition of Surfactant - MedicineNet
- Surfactant: A fluid secreted by the cells of the alveoli (the tiny air sacs in the lungs) that serves to reduce the surface tension of pulmonary fluids; surfactant …
Surfactant Definition & Meaning |
- surfactant. [ sər-făk ′tənt ] A substance that, when dissolved in water, lowers the surface tension of the water and increases the solubility of organic compounds. Surfactants …
surfactant | Taber's Medical Dictionary
- surfactant. (sŭr-fak′tănt) To hear audio pronunciation of this topic, purchase a subscription or log in. [ surf (ace)-act (ive) a (ge)nt] A surface-active agent that lowers surface …
Surfactant - definition of surfactant by The Free Dictionary
- sur·fac·tant (sər-făk′tənt) 1. A substance, such as detergent, that is added to a liquid to increase its ability to spread. 2. A substance produced by the tiny air-filled sacs of the …
List of Lung surfactants -
- What are Lung surfactants? Lung surfactants are made from animal lung extract and contain phospholipids. Natural surfactant is produced by the alveolar cells in the lungs and line …
Medical Definition of Surfactant - RxList
- Definition of Surfactant surfactant Surfactant: A fluid secreted by the cells of the alveoli (the tiny air sacs in the lungs) that serves to reduce the surface tension of …
Surfactant Definition and Examples - ThoughtCo
- Surfactant is the word that combines the terms "surface active agent". Surfactants or tensides are chemical species that act as wetting agents to lower the …
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