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Why Are Dragonflies Important? | Sciencing
    One of the most useful dragonfly facts is that they reside low in the food chain, so scientific study of their numbers and their health can reveal changes in water ecosystems more quickly than studying other animals or plants. Some national parks are beginning to use this species to survey and document the health of the park's water ecosystems.

Odonata: Who They Are and What They …
    Although not considered to be of high economic importance, they do provide esthetic/spiritual benefits to humans, …

Odonata (dragonflies and damselflies) as a bridge …
    Key features of Odonata include their ancient phylogenetic position, extensive phenotypic and ecological diversity, several unique evolutionary innovations, …

Odonata | insect order | Britannica
    Odonata, insect order comprising the dragonflies (suborder Anisoptera) and the damselflies (suborder Zygoptera). The adults are easily recognized by their two pairs of narrow, transparent wings, …

Odonata - Form and function of …
    Odonates are considered to have excellent vision, and the large compound eyes, acutely responsive to movement and form, play an important role in capturing food and interacting with other …

Odonata - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
    It is also important to bear in mind that female sperm-storage organ morphology will play an important part in determining the type of sperm competition avoidance …

CHAPTER 5 ODONATA (Dragonflies & Damselflies)
    Odonata Morphology Odonate larvae possess a characteristic labium (lower lip), which forms an extendable mask-like or scoop-like appendage that covers other mouthparts. …

The Role of Odonata in Biodiversity
    Odonata has flight muscles attached directly to the wings, which allow them to actively control the frequency, amplitude, angle of attack, twist, and camber of each of the four wings. The …

The use of Odonata species for environmental …
    The objective of this review was to analyze the importance of Odonata for environmental assessments (assessment types, statistical approach, life stages, and sampling method, …

Role of Odonates as a beneficial insects in nature.
    Odonates larvae are proved to be very effective to control the larvae of mosquitoes present in the aquatic system and have very effective and safer way to …

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