At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Medical Management Of Postobstructive Polyuria. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Evaluation of patients with polyuria - UpToDate
    Polyuria has generally been defined as a urine output exceeding 3 L/day in adults and 2 L/m 2 in children. It must be differentiated from the more common complaints of frequency or nocturia, which may not be associated with an increase in the total urine …

Postobstructive Diuresis - StatPearls
    Post-obstructive diuresis is not typically a concern unless the post-void residual volume is greater than or equal to …

    Polyuria is arbitrarily defined as a urine output exceeding 3 L/day in adults or 2 L/m 2 in children.… diet or after urea administration to treat hyponatremia , or sodium chloride and …

Medical Management of Postobstructive Polyuria - JAMA
    The defect in urine concentration and polyuria recurred on discontinuation of indomethacin and hydrochlorothiazide therapy, but improved after therapy with both …

Postobstructive Diuresis - PubMed
    Post-obstructive diuresis is an abnormal condition of prolonged polyuria, involving both excessive salt and water loss, after the acute drainage and …

Post obstructive diuresis - Renal Fellow …
    Urinary tract obstruction is a frequent occurrence in the hospitalized setting. Thankfully, after relief of the obstruction a vast majority of patients have complete recovery of kidney function. …

Medical management of postobstructive polyuria - PubMed
    Medical management of postobstructive polyuria Am J Dis Child. 1991 Dec;145 (12):1345-8. doi: 10.1001/archpedi.1991.02160120013005. Author W E Smoyer PMID: …

Medical Management of Postobstructive Polyuria
    Call for Abstracts The American Pediatric Society and The SocietyforPediatric Research an- nounce that the abstract deadline for the 1992 Annual Meeting (May 4-7, 1992, …

Polyuria (Excessive Urination): Causes, …
    Polyuria is not a medical condition in itself, but it can be a symptom of other illnesses. Common causes include diabetes, kidney disease, and certain medications. It can also be caused by …

Post-Obstructive Diuresis: Physiopathology, Diagnosis …
    Post-obstructive diuresis is an abnormal condition of prolonged polyuria, involving both excessive solute and water loss, after acute drainage of obstructed urinary tract system. …

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