At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Medical Oscillator Definition. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Oscillator Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    The meaning of OSCILLATOR is one that oscillates. one that oscillates; a device for producing alternating current; especially : a radio-frequency or audio-frequency generator… See the full definition

Oscillator | definition of oscillator by Medical dictionary
    oscillator: ( os'si-lā'tŏr ), 1. An apparatus something like a vibrator, used to give a form of mechanical massage. 2. An electric circuit designed to generate alternating current at a …

Oscillation | definition of oscillation by Medical dictionary
    oscillation: [ os″ĭ-la´shun ] a backward and forward motion, like that of a pendulum; also vibration, fluctuation, or variation. high frequency oscillation a type of high frequency …

Oscillator Vs. Ventilator | Healthfully
    Oscillator Vs. Ventilator. Hospital and home health-care equipment can appear intimidating, particularly if you aren’t sure of the machine’s purpose. Ventilators and oscillators are …

Oscillator - definition of oscillator by The Free Dictionary
    Define oscillator. oscillator synonyms, oscillator pronunciation, oscillator translation, English dictionary definition of oscillator. intr.v. os·cil·lat·ed , os·cil·lat·ing , os·cil·lates …

High-frequency Oscillatory Ventilation | Anesthesiology
    High-frequency oscillatory ventilation utilizes oscillations generated by a piston pump or a diaphragm oscillator driven by a motor. It produces a sinusoidal or somewhat erratic …

Oscillator in the NICU Part 1: The Basics – CriticalCareNow
    Like a dog panting in the heat, the oscillator uses very rapid respiratory rates with a small tidal volume, often less than dead space. It uses an active exhalation …

Oscillators for Medical Applications - Med …
    VX-705 - Vectron’s VX-705 oscillator for medical applications is a hermetically sealed 5x7mm LCC VCXO that provides excellent close in phase noise for demanding applications. The operating frequency …

Oscillations | definition of oscillations by Medical dictionary
    I conclude, looking to the future, that for terrestrial productions a large continental area, which will probably undergo many oscillations of level, and which consequently will exist …

Oscillating | definition of oscillating by Medical dictionary
    With Vision's new oscillating knife option, you'll be able to work with a variety of materials and applications such as graphic foam boards, closed cell foam, plastic-covered foam, …

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