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Medical physics calculations with MCNP: a primer …

    Medical Physics Calculations with MCNP : A Primer
      This document, a primer, addresses this need by leading the medical physics user through the ...

    Medical physics calculations with MCNP: a primer
      This document, a primer, addresses this need by leading the medical physics user through the basic use of MCNP and its particular application to the medical …

    Medical physics calculations with MCNP: a primer
      It was shown that the MCNP-4B computer code can be used with voxel-based anatomic and physiologic data to provide 3D dose distributions and developed a …

    MP Primer Final - ANS
      the basic use of MCNP and its particular application to the medical physics field. The current published research includes MCNP modeling of medical physics applications such as …

    Alexis D (2006-08). Medical physics calculations with …
      This document, a primer, addresses this need by leading the medical physics user through the basic use of MCNP and its particular application to the medical physics field. This …

    MCNP Primer for Medical Physics - Computational Medical Physics
      Medical Physics Calculations with MCNPTM: A Primer is designed to enable a user with medical physics interests to understand and use the MCNP Monte …

    Practical MCNP® for the Health Physicist, Medical …
      It is supported on a variety of platforms and is now accessible to health physicists, medical physicists and rad engineers using desktop or laptop personal computers. This 4.5-day …

    AN MCNP PRIMER - Kansas State University
      A Primer Presenting AN INTRODUCTION TO THE MCNP CODE J. Kenneth Shultis and Richard E. Faw The MCNP Code, developed and maintained by Los Alamos National …

    Medical physics calculations with MCNP: a primer - 百度 …
      However, no comprehensive document has been written to introduce the use ofthe MCNP code for simulating medical physics applications. This document, a primer,addresses this …

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