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Chondro- | definition of chondro- by Medical dictionary
    chondro- , chondrio- ( kon'drō, kon'drē-ō ), 1. Cartilage or cartilaginous. 2. Granular or gritty substance. [G. chondrion, dim. of chondros, groats (coarsely ground grain), grit, gristle, cartilage] Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012 chondr- The Greek root for …

Chondro- Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    combining form from Greek chóndros "grain (of wheat, salt, etc.), seed, groats, gristle, cartilage (this sense perhaps from the gritty texture of cartilage when chewed)," of …

Chondro- Definition & Meaning |
    In medical terms, the form indicates “cartilage” and in scientific terms, it refers to “grain” or “granular.” Chondro- ultimately comes from the Greek chóndros, meaning “cartilage” or …

Chondr- Definition & Meaning |
    What does chondr- mean? Chondr- is a combining form used like a prefix meaning “cartilage.”. It is used in some medical and scientific terms. Chondr- ultimately comes …

chondro- | Meaning of prefix chondro- by etymonline
    Meaning "to make smooth or sharp by friction" is from c. 1300. Most other Germanic languages use a verb cognate with Latin molere (compare Dutch malen, Old …

What Does chondro Mean In Medical Terms?. Find Out!
    Chondro, is a medical terms which means the act dissecting or cutting a cartilage. This particular medical term is commonly used in the laboratory during …

Medical Terminology: Prefix, Suffix, Root …
    Medical Terminology: Prefix = Beginning and is the descriptive part of the word; Root = Middle and is the subject of the word; Suffix = Ending and brings meaning to …

Chondromalacia Definition & Meaning | Merriam-Webster …
    Chondromalacia Definition & Meaning | Merriam-Webster Medical Definition Entries Near Show more Save Word chondromalacia noun chon· dro· ma· la· cia ˌkän-drō-mə-ˈlā-sh (ē …

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