At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Medical School Hradec Kralove. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Admission Process | Charles University, Faculty of …
    Students who have completed secondary school education are considered eligible for medical degree study programs in General Medicine (6 years) - those, who could be …

Lékařská fakulta v Hradci Králové | Lékařská fakulta UK …
    Lékařská fakulta v Hradci Králové je nejstarší vysoká škola ve východních Čechách. Byla založena jako první z lékařských fakult ihned po druhé světové válce a stala se součástí …

Medicine and Dentistry - Charles University
    Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové. Undergraduate programmes: General Medicine (6 years) Annual tuition fee: CZK 350,000 (General Medicine) Application deadline: April …

Charles University Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové
    In Hradec Kralove are situated 2 faculties - the Faculty of Pharmacy and the Faculty of Medicine. Both are operational and offer courses entirely taught in English. The Faculty of Medicine has a 6-year medical programme …

Charles University - Hradec Králové - Medical Doctor
    Hradec Kralove is the historical & cultural center of the eastern region of Czech Republic, and is located 100 km from the capital Prague. International program offers General …

University of Hradec Králové
    UHK ∙ Research, News, International, Employees, Alumni ∙ 01/12. Strengthening bilateral relations of UHK and OsloMet . UHK ∙ News, International, Employees ∙ 01/04. …

Studying in the Czech Republic: General Medicine
    Instruction in clinical subjects begins in the following semesters (internal medicine,surgery, pediatrics, obstetric and gynecology, neurology) together with subjects connected with public health care …

5 Best Medical Schools in the Czech Republic - Study …
    5 Best Medical Schools in the Czech Republic. The Czech Republic has been a center of medical education ever since the 14th century. As such, more and more students flocked to the country in …

Yerevan State Medical University - Medlink Students
    Located in the capital of Armenia, the Yerevan State Medical University was established in 1920 and since then has granted a diploma to tens of thousands of medical students. Its …

Yerevan State Medical University - YSMU
    Yerevan State Medical University after Mkhitar Heratsi. In the 100-year-old forge of medical personnel 1275 specialists provide education to the students, of which 1000 are lecturers, 221 are assistants, and 54 are …

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