At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Medical Term Breath Holding. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Breath-holding | definition of breath-holding by Medical …
    ( breth'hōld-ing ), Voluntary or involuntary cessation of breathing; often seen in young children as a response to frustration. Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012 breath-holding (brĕth-hōl′dĭng) The voluntary or involuntary stopping of breathing may …

Breath holding spells: Types, causes, and …
    A breath holding spell is where a young child holds their breath — usually until they briefly lose consciousness. The child may go rigid or limp, and their …

Breath-holding spell: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia
    Breath-holding spell Some children have breath-holding spells. This is an involuntary stop in breathing that is not in the child's control. Causes Babies as young as 2 months old …

Is Holding Your Breath Dangerous? Pros, Cons, and …
    If you hold your breath for too long it can cause your heart to start beating irregularly. It can damage your kidneys and liver. Holding your breath also causes the amount of carbon …

How to Train to Hold Your Breath Longer Safely - Healthline

    Kids Health Information : Breath holding - Royal …
      Breath holding is common, especially in children aged six months to six years old. When your child holds their breath, it is often called a spell. Breath-holding spells can happen …

    Breath-Holding Spells - Child Neurology …
      Breath-holding spells are short spells of time during which a child stops breathing. They are commonly mistaken for seizures. Spells usually occur in an otherwise …

    Breath-Holding Spells (for Parents) - Nemours KidsHealth
      A breath holding spell is when a child holds their breath, usually after being angry, frustrated, startled, or in pain. Sometimes the breath holding leads to the child passing …

    Breath holding | definition of Breath holding by Medical …
      adult sleep apnea frequent and prolonged episodes in which breathing stops during sleep. Diagnosis is confirmed by monitoring the subject during sleep for periods of apnea and …

    Breath-holding Spell - Seattle Children’s Hospital
      Breath-holding spells can run in families. Starts between 6 months and 2 years of age. Goes away by age 6. Many young children hold their breath when upset, …

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