At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Medical Term Cyto. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Cyto- | definition of cyto- by Medical dictionary
    Cyto- | definition of cyto- by Medical dictionary TheFreeDictionary cyto- Also found in: Dictionary, Acronyms, Encyclopedia . cyto- , cyt- ( sī'tō, sīt ), Do not confuse this combining form with sito-. A cell. [G. kytos, a hollow (cell)] Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © …

Cytology (Cytopathology): What It Is & Types - Cleveland …
    Cytology (cytopathology) is a branch, or subspecialty, of pathology. In medicine, pathology deals with the laboratory examination of cells in samples of body tissue or fluids for …

Medical Definition of Cyto-
    Cyto-: Prefix denoting a cell. "Cyto-" is derived from the Greek "kytos" meaning "hollow, as a cell or container." From the same root come the combining form " …

Cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection - Symptoms and causes

    Cyt-, cyto- | definition of cyt-, cyto- by Medical dictionary
      cyt-, cyto-Cytacon; Cytadren; Cytamen; cytapheresis; cytarabine; cytase-cyte; CYTH1; CYTH2; CYTH3; CYTH4; cythemolytic icterus; cytidine; cytidine 5'-diphosphate; cytidine …

    Cytopenia: Types, Symptoms, and Causes - Healthline
      Cytopenia occurs when one or more of your blood cell types is lower than it should be. Your blood consists of three main parts. Red blood cells, also called erythrocytes, carry oxygen and...

    Cytokine Storm: Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, …
      Cytokine storm syndrome is a group of related medical conditions in which the immune system produces too many inflammatory signals. Cytokine storm symptoms can be mild and similar to the flu or …

    Appendix A: Word Parts and What They Mean
      Definition-centesis: surgical puncture to remove fluid-desis: surgical binding-ectomy: cut out, removal -gram, -graph, -graphy: recording, written-meter: device used for …

    Cytotoxic: Definition, Agents, Effects, and Precautions
      Cytotoxic Drugs In Humans and Animals How They Work Dangers Cytotoxic means that a substance or process can damage cells or cause them to die. "Cyto" means cell and "toxic" means poison. You …

    CYTO Medical Abbreviation Meaning - All Acronyms
      What is CYTO meaning in Medical? 7 meanings of CYTO abbreviation related to Medical: Vote. 1. Vote. CYTO. Cytochalasin-D Model. Cardiology. Cardiology.

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