At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Medical Term Vocal Cords. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Vocal Cord Disorders | Johns Hopkins …
    Vocal cord disorders are any anatomical or functional issue that affects the vocal cords. The vocal cords (also called vocal folds) are two bands of smooth muscle tissue found …

Vocal cords | definition of vocal cords by Medical dictionary
    vocal cords: [ vo´kal ] pertaining to the voice. vocal cords the thin, reedlike folds of mucous membrane in the larynx ; the superior pair are called the false vocal cords and the …

Vocal cords: structure and function | Kenhub
    The vocal folds, also known as the vocal cords / chords, are flaps of tissue located in the larynx. They give us the ability to produce sound (phonation). There are …

Vocal cord paralysis - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic

    Laryngitis - Symptoms and causes - Mayo …
      But with laryngitis, your vocal cords become inflamed or irritated. This makes the vocal cords swell, which distorts the sounds produced by air passing over …

    Vocal cord | definition of vocal cord by Medical dictionary
      vocal cord: [TA] the sharp-edged fold of mucous membrane overlying and incorporating the vocal ligament and the thyroarytenoid muscle and stretching along either wall of the …

    Medical Definition of Vocal cord - MedicineNet
      Vocal cord: One of two small bands of muscle within the larynx. These muscles vibrate to produce the voice. The vocal cords form a "V" inside the larynx, a 2 …

    Vocal Cord Dysfunction: Signs, Causes, and …
      Symptoms for vocal cord dysfunction include: shortness of breath. feeling you’re suffocating, also called air hunger. wheezing, especially during inhalation. stridor, …

    3 signs your vocal cords may be damaged
      We will take your medical history, perform an exam, including laryngeal videostroboscopy so that your vocal cords can be viewed while you are producing …

    Chapter 28- The Respiratory System Flashcards | Quizlet
      What is the medical term for the opening between the vocal cords? Epiglottis. Which of the following ng prevents prevents food from entering the airway during swallowing? The …

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