At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Medical Treatment Europe. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Unplanned healthcare and medical treatment - Your Europe
    Planned medical treatment abroad. Organising planned medical treatment abroad; Expenses and reimbursements: planned medical treatment abroad; Information …

FAQs|Organising planned medical treatment abroad
    You are allowed to go to another EU country for medical treatment and, under certain conditions, have your costs covered directly or have all or some of them …

Healthcare in Europe - Wikipedia

    Going abroad for medical treatment - NHS
      For all general enquiries relating to healthcare in Europe or accessing NHS treatment within England, contact NHS England on 0300 311 2233 or …

    Medical Care in Europe by Rick Steves
      Throughout Europe, people with a health problem go first to the pharmacy, not to their doctor. European pharmacists can diagnose and prescribe remedies for many simple problems, such as sore throats, …

    Visa for Medical Treatment in Europe - Donuts
      A Schengen Medical Treatment Visa allows the holder to enter a Schengen-area country in order to receive medical treatment in a Schengen medical institution. Like all other …

    Rehab In The EU - Addiction Center
      A person traveling from one EU country to another for medical treatment has the right to organize treatment on the same terms and at the same cost as the people living in that country. …

    7 Facts About European Medical Tourism You May Not Know
      3. The top three destinations for medical travel within Europe According to a Treatment Abroad survey with 1,045 European patients looking to get procedures done abroad, the …

    Patentability of Medical Methods in Europe | European …
      Although a “method of treatment” is not patentable in Europe, a substance or composition may be patented for a specific use in a method of surgery, therapy or …

    Need more information about Medical Treatment Europe?

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