At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Medical Tropical Sprue. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Tropical Sprue: Causes, Symptoms, and Diagnosis – …
    Tropical sprue is caused by inflammation of your intestines. This swelling makes it …If you suffer from malabsorption, you’re not getting enough vitamins and nutrients in your diet. This can cause a number of different symptoms. Your body needs vitamins and nutrients to function properly. See more

Tropical sprue: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia
    Tropical sprue is a condition that occurs in people who live in or visit tropical areas for extended periods of time. It impairs nutrients from being absorbed from the intestines. …

Tropical Sprue - Gastrointestinal Disorders - Merck …
    Tropical sprue is a rare acquired disease, probably of infectious etiology, characterized by malabsorption and megaloblastic anemia. Diagnosis is clinical and by small-bowel …

Tropical Sprue - MSD Manual Professional Edition
    Tropical sprue is a rare acquired disease, probably of infectious etiology, characterized by malabsorption and megaloblastic anemia. Diagnosis is clinical and by small-bowel …

Tropical Sprue - StatPearls - NCBI Bookshelf
    Tropical sprue is a malabsorption syndrome characterized by chronic diarrhea, weight loss, and malabsorption …

Tropical Sprue - National Organization for Rare Disorders
    Tropical Sprue is a rare digestive disease in which the small intestine’s ability to absorb nutrients is impaired (malabsorption). Consequently, nutritional deficiencies and …

Tropical sprue - UpToDate!
    Tropical sprue is a chronic diarrheal disease, possibly of infectious origin, that involves the small intestine and is characterized by malabsorption of nutrients, …

Tropical Sprue: Background, Pathophysiology, …
    Tropical sprue occurs in both epidemic and endemic forms, primarily in Southeast Asia and the Caribbean. The actual prevalence of the endemic form is difficult …

Tropical sprue - Wikipedia
    Tropical sprue is a malabsorption disease commonly found in tropical regions, marked with abnormal flattening of the villi and inflammation of the lining of the small intestine. It differs …

Sprue | definition of sprue by Medical dictionary
    sprue [ sproo] a chronic form of malabsorption syndrome occurring in both tropical and nontropical forms. celiac sprue ( nontropical sprue) celiac disease. tropical sprue a …

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