At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Medical Word Ankle Bone. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Ankle (Human Anatomy): Image, Function, Conditions,
    The ankle is a large joint made up of three bones: The shin bone (tibia) The thinner bone running next to the shin bone (fibula) A foot bone that sits above the heel bone (talus)

The Anatomy of Ankle Bones – What You …
    The ankle joint acts as a hinge joint, limiting the rotation of the talus. This makes the ankle one of the most stable joints in the lower extremities. The talus is also …

Ankle bone | definition of ankle bone by Medical dictionary
    bone [ bōn] 1. the hard, rigid form of connective tissue constituting most of the skeleton of vertebrates, composed chiefly of calcium salts. 2. any distinct piece of the skeleton of the …

Ankle - Wikipedia

    Ankle | definition of ankle by Medical dictionary
      ankle 1. The joint formed by the articulation of the lower leg bones with the talus. The ankle connects the foot with the leg. 2. The slender section of the leg immediately above …

    Basic Foot and Ankle Medical Terminology, …
      Supination – The inward turning of the foot, the opposite of pronation. Talus – The talus is one of the major bones that forms the ankle joint. It helps connect …

    Medical Definition of Ankle bone - MedicineNet
      Ankle bone: The ankle bone is termed the talus. It is the bone of the foot that joins the tibia and fibula to form the ankle joint. Plural tali. CONTINUE SCROLLING …

    Glossary of Foot and Ankle Terms - FootEducation
      Bimalleolar Fracture: Referring to a common type of ankle fracture, where both bones (the large bump or prominences that you can feel on both sides of your …

    Bone Medical Terms (prefixes, roots, and suffixes) | Web …
      1. Vertebr.. -- Select -- Arm Bone Cartilage Correct Foramen Foot -- ankle Joint Rib Vertebrae Wrist. 2. Chondr .. -- Select -- Arm Bone Cartilage Correct Foramen Foot - …

    Medical Definition of Ankle bone - RxList
      Ankle bone: The ankle bone is termed the talus. It is the bone of the foot that joins the tibia and fibula to form the ankle joint. Plural tali. SLIDESHOW What Is …

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