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Medulla Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
- plural medullas or medullae -ˈdəl-ē -ˌī 1 : medulla oblongata 2 : the inner or deep part of an animal or plant structure (as the adrenal gland or kidney) medullary ˈmed-ᵊl-ˌer-ē ˈmej-ə-ˌler-ē adjective Medical Definition medulla noun me· dul· la mə-ˈdəl-ə -ˈdu̇l- plural medullas …
Medulla | definition of medulla by Medical dictionary
- medulla (mĭ-dŭl′ə) n. pl. me·dullas or me·dullae (-dŭl′ē) 1. The inner core of certain organs or body structures, such as the marrow of bone. 2. The medulla oblongata. 3. See …
Medulla Oblongata: What It Is, Function & Anatomy
- Your medulla oblongata (med-oo-la ob-long-ah-ta), often just called the medulla, is a key part of your nervous system. It’s key not only because of its location but also because …
Medulla oblongata Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
- medulla ob· lon· ga· ta -ˌäb-ˌlȯŋ-ˈgät-ə : the somewhat pyramid-shaped bottom part of the vertebrate brain that joins the spinal cord and is concerned with the …
Medulla Definition & Meaning |
- medulla / ( mɪˈdʌlə) / noun plural -las or -lae (-liː) anatomy the innermost part of an organ or structure short for medulla oblongata botany another name for pith (def. 4) Derived forms …
Medulla Oblongata: Location, Function, Injury, and …
- The medulla oblongata is the brain section responsible for conscious thought and the regulation of involuntary action. It lies on the brain stem edge, in the front …
Medullas | definition of medullas by Medical dictionary
- medulla (mĭ-dŭl′ə) n. pl. me·dullas or me·dullae (-dŭl′ē) 1. The inner core of certain organs or body structures, such as the marrow of bone. 2. The medulla oblongata. 3. See …
What is the Medulla? - Definition, Function & Location
- The medulla oblongata, also known just as the medulla, is part of your brainstem, which is literally the stem that extends from your brain. The medulla sits below the pons and above the...
Medulla - definition of medulla by The Free Dictionary
- n. pl. me·dul·las or me·dul·lae (-dŭl′ē) 1. The inner core of certain organs or body structures, such as the marrow of bone. 2. The medulla oblongata. 3. See myelin. 4. Botany a. The …
Medullary | definition of medullary by Medical dictionary
- medulla (me-dul'a, dul') plural.medullae [L. medulla, marrow, pith] 1. Marrow (1). 2. In anatomy, the innermost or central portion of an organ in contrast to the cortex. 3. The …
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