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Mekalanos Lab - Harvard Medial School
    Mekalanos Lab - Harvard Medial School. Zhao et al. Science 2018. Watch on. CHO cells transfected with vector expressing ADP-ribosylating toxic VgrG from Aeromonas …

John J. Mekalanos, PhD | Kasper Laboratory - Harvard …
    John Mekalanos is the Adele Lehman Professor of the Department of Microbiology and Immunobiology at Harvard Medical School. After receiving his Ph.D. from University of …

John Mekalanos - Harvard Graduate …
    The Mekalanos laboratory is engaged in the analysis of bacterial virulence and functional genomics. The goal of these studies is to understand how pathogenic bacteria …

John Joseph Mekalanos | Harvard BBS PhD Program
    The Mekalanos laboratory is engaged in the analysis of bacterial virulence and functional genomics. The goal of these studies is to understand how pathogenic bacteria grow, …

John Joseph Mekalanos | BBS Program in Genetics and Genomics
    Where possible, the knowledge gained in our studies is applied to the development of more effective vaccines and small molecule therapeutics. Contact Information Harvard …

Mekalanos Honored for Cholera Research
    John Mekalanos, the Adele Lehman Professor of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics at Harvard Medical School, is among four inaugural winners of the Sanofi …

John Mekalanos | Harvard Catalyst Profiles | Harvard Catalyst
    T32AI007410 (MEKALANOS, JOHN J) Sep 30, 1992 - Aug 31, 2002 NIH MECHANISMS IN MICROBIAL PATHOGENESIS Role: Principal Investigator Bibliographic selected …

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