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Fainting during urination (micturition syncope): What …
    Micturition (or post-micturition) syncope is fainting while urinating or immediately after urinating. This is likely due to a severe drop in blood pressure. Micturition syncope is most common in older men and usually when getting up at night …

Micturition Syncope: Symptoms, Causes, and More - Healthline

    Micturition syncope | definition of micturition syncope by …
      Related to micturition syncope: vasovagal syncope mic·tu·ri·tion syn·co·pe syncope occurring in association with the act of emptying the bladder. Farlex Partner Medical …

    Micturition syncope - Wikipedia

      Micturition | definition of micturition by Medical dictionary
        mic·tu·ri·tion ( mik-chŭr-ish'ŭn) 1. Synonym (s): urination. 2. The desire to urinate. 3. Frequency of urination. [L. micturio, to desire to make water] Medical Dictionary for the …

      Medical Definition of Micturition syncope -
        Micturition syncope: The temporary loss of consciousness upon urinating. (Syncope is the temporary loss of consciousness or, in plain English, fainting ). The …

      Medical Definition of Syncope, micturition - MedicineNet
        Medical Definition of Syncope, micturition. Medical Editor: Melissa Conrad Stöppler, MD. Reviewed on 3/29/2021. Syncope, micturition: The temporary loss of …

      Micturition Syncope: Definition & Causes
        Micturition syncope is a medical condition where a person's blood pressure suddenly drops right after they urinate, causing them to faint. What causes such a thing to happen? Read this lesson...

      Medical Definition of Micturition syncope - RxList
        Micturition syncope: The temporary loss of consciousness upon urinating. (Syncope is the temporary loss of consciousness or, in plain English, fainting ). …

      Micturition syncope - WebMD
        Medical Dictionary Micturition syncope Fainting before, during, or after peeing. WebMD Definition Today on WebMD Risky Mistakes Pet Owners Make Some of these might …

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