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Middle Phalanx: Definition, Location, Anatomy, Diagram
    A middle phalanx (plural: phalanges) is one of the tubular long bones found in the fingers [1, 2]. It may also be referred to as a medial phalanx or intermediate phalanx. Like the rest of the phalanges, each middle phalanx has a head, body/shaft, and a base. See more

Middle phalanx | definition of middle phalanx by Medical …
    middle phalanx The phalanx of the finger or toe that lies between between the distal and the proximal phalanges. The first finger (thumb) and hallux (big toe) do not contain …

Phalanges of the hand: Anatomy and …
    Phalanges of hand (Phalanges manus) The phalanges of the hand are the group of small bones that comprise the bony core of the digits (fingers) of the hand. …

Phalanx | definition of phalanx by Medical dictionary
    n. pl. phalanxes or phalanges (fə-lăn′jēz, fā-) 1. A compact or close-knit body of people: "formed a solid phalanx in defense of the Constitution and Protestant religion" (G.M. …

Medical Definition of Phalanx - MedicineNet
    Phalanx: Anatomically, any one of the bones in the fingers or toes. (Plural: phalanges.) There are 3 phalanges (the proximal, middle, and distal phalanx) in most …

Medical Definition of Phalanges - MedicineNet
    Phalanges: The bones of the fingers and of the toes. There are generally three phalanges (distal, middle, proximal) for each digit except the thumbs and large …

Middle phalanx fracture | Radiology Reference Article
    Middle phalanx fractures are the least common of the phalanx fractures. Radiographic features These fractures are generally well visualized on plain radiographs. …

Phalanx - Definition, Types and Functions
    Phalanx Definition. Phalanx (plural: phalanges) refers to the bones found in fingers, toes, paws, wings, hooves and fins of animals. These are …

Phalanx Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    The original sense of phalanx refers to a military formation that was used in ancient warfare and consisted of a tight block of soldiers standing shoulder to shoulder, …

What is the definition of Middle phalanx? |
    Middle phalanx - The phalanx in cases where there are three intermediate between the distal and proximal phalanges.

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