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An A-Z of medical philosophy: Bentham, Mill, and …
    An A-Z of medical philosophy: Bentham, Mill, and Utilitarianism ... Mill, and Utilitarianism. An A-Z of medical philosophy: Bentham, Mill, and Utilitarianism Br J …
    utilitarianism, in normative ethics, a tradition stemming from the late 18th- and 19th-century English philosophers and economists Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill according to …

An A-Z of medical philosophy: Bentham, …
    Utilitarianism when it is unjust or ignores the rights of minority groups. If you have to ‘correct’ an equation to get the right …

Does Evidence-Based Medicine Imply …
    According to Anjum and Mumford, “the policy side of evidence-based medicine is basically a form of rule utilitarianism” …

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