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Monilia Definition & Meaning | Merriam-Webster Medical
- noun. mo· nil· ia mə-ˈnil-ē-ə. 1. plural monilias or monilia also moniliae -ē-ˌē : any fungus of the genus Candida. 2. plural monilias : candidiasis.
Monilia | definition of Monilia by Medical dictionary
- Monilia: [ mo-nil´e-ah ] 1. former name for Candida. 2. a genus of imperfect fungi of the family Moniliaceae.
Moniliasis | definition of moniliasis by Medical dictionary
- moniliasis: [ kan″dĭ-di´ah-sis ] infection by fungi of the genus Candida , generally C. albicans, most commonly involving the skin, oral mucosa ( thrush ), respiratory tract, or vagina; …
Medical Definition of Oral moniliasis - MedicineNet
- Medical Definition of Oral moniliasis. Oral moniliasis: Yeast infection of the mouth and throat caused by a fungus formerly called Monilia, now known as Candida …
Monilial | definition of monilial by Medical dictionary
- monilial: [ mo-nil´e-al ] pertaining to or caused by Monilia ( Candida ).
Monilial Definition & Meaning | Merriam-Webster Medical
- The meaning of MONILIAL is of, relating to, or caused by a fungus of the genus Candida. How to use monilial in a sentence.
How is Monilia infection treated? –
- Monilial vaginitis is a vaginal infection involving yeast in the genus Candida, formerly known as Monilia. It is also known as candidiasis and is a very common …
Monilia albicans | definition of Monilia albicans by …
- a fungal species ordinarily a part of humans' normal gastrointestinal flora, which only becomes pathogenic when there is a disturbance in the balance of flora or in an …
Moniliae | definition of moniliae by Medical dictionary
- Generic term for a group of fungi commonly known as fruit molds; the sexual state is Neurospora. A few closely related pathogenic organisms formerly classified in this genus …
Medical Definition of Monilia - MedicineNet
- MedTerms medical dictionary is the medical terminology for Our doctors define difficult medical language in easy-to-understand …
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