At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Motoric Definition Medical. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.
Motoric | definition of motoric by Medical dictionary
- motor (mō′tər) adj. 1. Causing or producing motion. 2. Relating to or being nerves that carry impulses from the nerve centers to the muscles. 3. Involving or relating to movements of the muscles. 4. Relating to an organism's overt reaction to a stimulus. The American …
Motoric Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
- motoric adjective mo· tor· ic mō-ˈtȯr-ik -ˈtär- : motor sense 1c motorically mō-ˈtȯr-i-k (ə-)lē -ˈtär- adverb Example Sentences Recent Examples on the Web Verghese found that …
Motoric Definition & Meaning |
- motoric [ moh- tawr-ik, - tor- ] SHOW IPA 🎓 College Level adjective motor (def. 11). (of music or musical performance) full of movement or energy. QUIZ WILL YOU SAIL OR …
Motor system: Neurological examination and anatomy
- Motor examination of muscles of the head and neck are included with the relevant cranial nerves. The test starts the moment the patient enters the room.
Motor dysfunction | definition of motor ... - Medical …
- motor. [ mo´ter] 1. pertaining to motion. 2. a muscle, nerve, or center that effects movements. motor neuron disease any disease of the motor neurons, including spinal …
Motoric - definition of motoric by The Free Dictionary
- 1. a comparatively small and powerful engine, esp. an internal-combustion engine in an automobile, motorboat, or the like. 2. any self-powered vehicle. 3. something that …
Motorial | definition of motorial by Medical dictionary
- motor [L. motor, mover] 1. Causing motion. 2. In anatomy, pert. to neurons or axons involved in the output of the nervous system; efferent. 3. In psychology, pert. to neural events …
Motorium Definition & Meaning | Merriam-Webster Medical
- 1. : the part of an organism and especially the part of its nervous system that is concerned with movement as distinguished from that concerned with sensation. 2. …
Motor aphasia | definition of motor aphasia by Medical …
- a type of speech disorder consisting of a defect or loss of the power of expression by speech, writing, or signs, or of comprehension of spoken or written language, due …
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