At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Myodynia Medical Term Definition. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Myodynia | definition of myodynia by Medical dictionary
    myodynia: ( mī-al'jē-ă ), Avoid the jargonistic use of the plural form myalgias in the sense of 'episodes or zones of muscular aching'. Muscular pain. Synonym(s): myodynia [G. mys, muscle, + algos, pain]

Myodynia - Definition, Meaning & Synonyms
    myodynia: 1 n pain in a muscle or group of muscles Synonyms: myalgia Type of: hurting , pain a symptom of some physical hurt or disorder

Myodynia - definition of myodynia by The Free Dictionary
    myodynia - pain in a muscle or group of muscles myalgia hurting , pain - a symptom of some physical hurt or disorder; "the patient developed severe pain and distension"

Myospasm | definition of myospasm by Medical dictionary
    myospasm: [ spazm ] 1. a sudden involuntary contraction of a muscle or group of muscles. 2. a sudden, transitory constriction of a passage, canal, or orifice; spasms usually occur …

myodynia | Taber's Medical Dictionary
    myodynia answers are found in the Taber's Medical Dictionary powered by Unbound Medicine. Available for iPhone, iPad, Android, and Web.

Myodynamia | definition of myodynamia by Medical …
    myodynamia: ( mī'ō-dī-nam'ē-ă ), Muscular strength. [myo- + G. dynamis, power]

What does myodynia mean? - definitions
    Definition of myodynia in the dictionary. Meaning of myodynia. What does myodynia mean? ... Myalgia (also called muscle pain and muscle ache in layman's …

Myalgia | definition of myalgia by Medical dictionary
    Patient discussion about myalgia. Q. I was looking up muscle pains, because for a while I’ve been having muscle pain and weight gain, and headaches So I was looking up muscle …

Medical Terminology Ch 1-3 Flashcards | Quizlet
    The term pathogen comes from combining the roots path/o and gen/o. Which are the correct root and term definitions? medical professionals can communicate clearly and quickly …

Myodystonia | definition of myodystonia by Medical …
    myodystonia: /myo·dys·to·nia/ ( -dis-to´ne-ah ) disorder of muscular tone.

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