At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Neuroprotection Medical Definition. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Neuroprotection | definition of …
    neuroprotection. A therapeutic strategy aimed at preventing the ultimate result of a neurodegenerative disease process. Example: in current glaucoma therapy, the principal objective is to lower the intraocular pressure, but that appears to be only one of the risk …

Neuroprotection: A solution for neurological disease?
    Neuroprotection refers to mechanisms and strategies that aim to protect the nervous system from …

Neuroprotection - Wikipedia

    Neuroprotective Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
      neuroprotective adjective neu· ro· pro· tec· tive ˌn (y)u̇r-ō-prə-ˈtek-tiv : serving to protect nerve cells from injury or degeneration Neuroprotective strategies involve …

    Secondary brain injury and neuroprotective measures
      Definition: controlled maintenance of a target body temperature aimed to prevent secondary brain injury after an acute CNS insult; Target body temperature: differs …

    Neuroprotection - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
      Neuroprotection is typically defined as the ability to delay or prevent neuronal death and dysfunction, which should translate into delayed disease onset or slowed disease …

    Neuroprotection - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
      Neuroprotection is defined as a process, which promotes salvaging, recovering, and preserving the integrity of neurons and neurovascular unit (NVU) for performing …

    Neonatal Neuroprotection: Bringing Best Practice to the …
      When combined with evidence-based medical and nursing care, neuroprotective care represents the best means of facilitating normal development and minimizing disability for …

    Neuroprotective | definition of neuroprotective by Medical …
      neuroprotective Also found in: Dictionary, Encyclopedia . neurotoxicity [ noor″o-tok-sis´ĭ-te] the ability to exert a destructive or poisonous effect upon nerve tissue. adj., adj …

    Neuroprotective agent | definition of ... - Medical Dictionary
      Neuroprotective agent | definition of neuroprotective agent by Medical dictionary neuroprotective agent neuroprotective agent Neurology Any agent or drug that protects …

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