At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Nineteenth Century Medical Instruments. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Health & Medicine in the 19th Century - Victoria …
    In 1895, at the end of the era, came Wilhelm Roentgen's discovery of X-rays, and in due course the photo of Roentgen's wife's hand became a potent sign of medical advance through scientific instruments. But overall the 19th century is notable more for systematic monitoring of disease aetiology than for curative treatment. A growing medical industry

History of medicine - Medicine in the 18th century
    The rise of scientific medicine in the 19th century. The portrayal of the history of medicine becomes more difficult in the 19th century. Discoveries multiply, and the number of eminent doctors is so great …

20 Fascinating Medical Instruments of …
    This collapsible 19th century ear trumpet is one of the earliest hearing aid devices invented. ... peruse this collection of actual medical …

19th Century Surgical Instruments - PBS
    19th Century Surgical Instruments. Dr. Foster and others of his time had access to a growing and magnificent armamentarium of surgical instruments and …

Changes in Medicine During the 19th …
    The Civil War proved to be a catalyst in advancing 19th-century medicine. The four years were marked by hundreds of …

16 Medical Procedures and Devices from …
    The terrifying technology behind these medical instruments of the late 19th and early 20th Century definitely looks dated. But no matter how scary these devices appear, they paved the way for science …

Take a Peek Inside a 19th Century …
    Midwifery Kit, United Kingdom, 1866-1900, courtesy of A variety of tools for everything from pulling teeth to delivering a baby to amputate a limb might be found inside. …

20 Scary Old School Surgical Tools - Surgical Technology
    Skull Saw (1830s-60s) This hand-cranked saw’s blades were used to cut through sections of the skull, allowing for access by other instruments. Tobacco Smoke Enema (1750s …

10 Terrifying Historic Medical Instruments
    Here are 10 blood-curdling medical instruments from our past. 10 Osteotome. While technically a type of chain saw, this medical instrument, ... By the late 19th century, a mild anesthetic …

The 1900s Medicine and Health: Overview
    Medical equipment also made great advances during the nineteenth century, as doctors were introduced to such new tools as the stethoscope, laryngoscope (a device used to …

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