At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Obliteration Definition Medical. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Obliteration | definition of obliteration by Medical dictionary
    obliteration: [ ob-lit″er-a´shun ] complete removal, as by disease, degeneration, surgical procedure, or irradiation, or by the filling up of a space with fibrous tissue or inflammation.

Obliteration Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    The meaning of OBLITERATE is to remove utterly from recognition or memory. How to use obliterate in a sentence. Did you know?

Obliteration Definition & Meaning |
    Obliteration definition, the act of obliterating or the state of being obliterated. See more.

Obliterate | definition of obliterate by Medical dictionary
    obliterate: (ə-blĭt′ə-rāt′, ō-blĭt′-) tr.v. obliter·ated , obliter·ating , obliter·ates Medicine To remove completely (a body organ or part), as by surgery, disease, or radiation. …

Obliterated | definition of obliterated by Medical dictionary
    always loved and danced the dance over " L John, Rachael Andrew great Nuala, Lara, Jess"She was a welder during wartime and saw Coventry obliterated in the Blitz...

Obliteration | Article about Obliteration by The Free …
    Obliteration. (1) In medicine, the complete closure of a hollow or tubular organ as a result of proliferation of tissue—usually connective tissue—from the organ’s walls. Obliteration …

Nerve Ablation for Chronic Pain | Kaiser Permanente
    It is a safe procedure in which a portion of nerve tissue is destroyed or removed to cause an interruption in pain signals and reduce pain in that area. Nerve …

Cardiac ablation - Mayo Clinic
    Cardiac ablation is a procedure that's used to correct heart rhythm problems. When the heart beats, the electrical signals that cause the heart to squeeze (contract) must follow a specific pathway through the …

Endometrial ablation - Mayo Clinic
    Endometrial ablation is a procedure that surgically destroys (ablates) the lining of your uterus (endometrium). The goal of endometrial ablation is to reduce menstrual flow. In some women, menstrual flow may …

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