At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Occult Medical Term. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Occult | definition of occult by Medical …
    oc·cult ( ŏ-kŭlt', ok'ŭlt ), 1. Hidden; concealed; not manifest. 2. Denoting a concealed hemorrhage, the blood being inapparent or localized to a site where it is not visible. 3. In oncology, a clinically unidentified primary tumor with recognized metastases. [L. oc-culo, …

Medical Definition of Occult - MedicineNet
    Medical Definition of Occult. MedTerms medical dictionary is the medical terminology for Our doctors define difficult medical language in easy-to …

Fecal occult blood test - Mayo Clinic

    I have an 'occult' infection? Medical terms used by doctors often ...
      The words some doctors use are often misunderstood by patients and their families, leaving them feeling confused and vulnerable, according to researchers. In a …

    Occult Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
      Medical Definition occult adjective oc· cult ə-ˈkəlt ˈäk-ˌəlt : not manifest or detectable by clinical methods alone occult carcinoma also : not present in macroscopic amounts …

    Fecal Occult Blood Test (FOBT): …
      Occult blood means that you can't see it with the naked eye. And fecal means that it is in your stool. Blood in your stool means there is bleeding in the digestive tract. The …

    Occult blood test | definition of occult blood test by …
      occult [ ŏ-kult´] obscure or hidden from view. occult blood test examination by microscope or chemical test of a specimen (such as feces, urine, or gastric juice) for presence of …

    Occult blood | definition of occult blood by Medical …
      1. a place of storage for blood. 2. an organization that collects, processes, stores, and transfuses blood. In most health agencies the blood bank is located in the pathology …

    Occult - Wikipedia
      The occult, in the broadest sense, is a category of esoteric supernatural beliefs and practices which generally fall outside the scope of religion and science, encompassing …

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