At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Old Mutual Medical Aid Scheme Staff. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Home - Old Mutual Staff Medical Aid Fund
    You’ll find everything you need to make the most of your Old Mutual Staff Medical Aid Fund (OMSMAF) membership and its benefits, right here! OMSMAF is a closed medical scheme, with membership restricted to Old Mutual employees.

Old Mutual Staff Medical Aid Fund - MYMEMBERSHIP
    Old Mutual Staff Medical Aid Fund - MYMEMBERSHIP

Old Mutual Medical Aid - List of Banks
    The Old Mutual Staff Medical Aid Fund offers its members eight different plans that range from comprehensive options with a wide variety of services, to low-cost options that …

Change of Administrator for Old Mutual Staff Medical Aid Fund …
    Change of Administrator for Old Mutual Staff Medical Aid Fund (OMSMAF) with effect from 1 July 2019. Mediswitch will seamlessly handle to routing of the claim to …

Need more information about Old Mutual Medical Aid Scheme Staff?

At Manningham Medical Centre, we collected data on more than just Old Mutual Medical Aid Scheme Staff. There is a lot of other useful information. Visit the related pages or our most popular pages. Also check out our Doctors page.