At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Old War Medical Techniques. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

WWI: Medicine on the battlefield | NCpedia
    But advances in some medical techniques kept pace with the mass destruction of war. Doctors developed and practiced new ways to treat severe cases of tissue damage, burns, and contagious diseases. Blood transfusions were given under battlefield conditions. Doctors began using X-ray equipment to locate bullets and shrapnel during operations. The quality of American base hospitals increased as their medical staffs grew used to the rigors of the western front.

Medicine in the aftermath of war | Science …
    After the Second World War (1939–45), faster and better treatment meant that more soldiers with serious neck and spinal injuries survived. But irreparably …

Six Ways the Civil War Changed American Medicine
    The war also highlighted the meds that just weren’t working—although not everyone was happy about the change in attitudes. One of Hammond’s most controversial moves as …

6 battlefield medical innovations that moved to …
    Today, reconstructive plastic surgery helps people with cosmetic concerns resulting from birth defects like cleft lips, physical assaults like acid attacks, and medical conditions like...

Civil War Medical Practice | Behind the Lens: A History …
    At Mercy Street’s Mansion House Union Hospital the war between old-school doctoring, epitomized by Dr. Byron Hale, abuts against new standards posited by Dr. Jed Foster. …

5 Medical Innovations of the Civil War | Mental Floss
    5 Medical Innovations of the Civil War 1. Life-Saving Amputation. The old battlefield technique of trying to save limbs with doses of TLC (aided by... 2. The …

7 Unusual Ancient Medical Techniques - HISTORY
    Influential physicians like Hippocrates and Galen maintained that the human body was filled with four basic substances, or “humors”—yellow bile, black bile, …

These World War One Medical Innovations Will Baffle …
    And though it sounds obvious to us today, it was also during WWI that practicing good hygiene and cleanliness in hospitals became a prominent strategy for …

7 Terrifying Techniques from Ancient Medicine That Will …
    7 Particularly terrifying ancient medical practices 1. A spoonful of sugar won’t help here. Now known to be poison to the human body, mercury medical use stretches back …

10 Ancient Medical Practices We Thankfully Abandoned
    Applying rotting tissue to exposed nerves and blood vessels is a pretty good way to turn a tiresome pain into a full-blown infection. 8 Clay Consumption …

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