At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Opportunities In Medical Tourism In India. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Rise of Medical Tourism in India
    The aim is to make India the No.1 Destination for Medical Tourism in the world, tripling its revenue to $13 billion within 4 years. The government has also proposed an outlay of US$ 28.7 billion for health and well-being, which is 137% higher than the …

Medical Tourism in India: Opportunities & Challenges
    As per the portal, global medical tourism industry is a $45.5-$72 billion industry and approximately twelve million patients travel …

Framework for Promotion of Medical Tourism: A Case of …
    India attracts patients in areas namely wellness tourism, alternative systems of medicine, cosmetic surgery, and advanced and lifesaving healthcare. Thus, the …

Medical tourism in India: issues, opportunities and …
    Medical tourism can also be enhanced through integration of traditional medication treatment such as meditation and yoga, …

Exploring Medical Tourism Opportunities in India (With …
    In spite of all these steps taken by Indian government the Indian tourism market is concentrated to only some major cities such as MUMBAI, CHENNAI, KERALA …

‘Opportunities abound in medical tourism industry’ - The Hindu
    As one of the fastest growing medical destinations around the world, India is predicted to drive higher growth in the coming years. According to experts, medical …

Medical Tourism in India: Progress, Opportunities and …
    Medical tourism also presents the opportunity to boost the country's economic conditions and will encourage people toward Indian traditional herbal medicinal systems. 91 The Materia Medica of...

Medical Tourism Opportunities in India: A Study on the …
    Indian hospital sector is now witnessing cut-throat competition to remain competitive and to attract patients from the foreign countries, they have to change their conventional …

Medical Tourism In India: Challenges, Growth, Scope
    The main opportunity presented by medical tourism is its contribution to the growth of health economies. It is a major source for foreign exchange and stimulates …

Medical Tourism In India: Issues And Opportunities
    Medical tourism can contribute Rs 5,000-10,000 crore additional revenue for up-market tertiary hospitals by 2012 and will account for 3-5% of the total healthcare delivery …

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