At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Organ Medical Dictionary. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Organ | definition of organ by Medical dictionary
    A differentiated structure or part of a system of the body; composed of tissues and cells; exercises a specific function (e.g., respiration, secretion, digestion). Synonym (s): organum [TA] , organon. [L. organum, fr. G. organon, a tool, instrument] Medical Dictionary for …

Medical Dictionary - Merriam-Webster
    Medical Dictionary Search medical terms and abbreviations with the most up-to-date and comprehensive medical dictionary from the reference experts at …

Organ Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    1. a. : a differentiated structure (such as a heart, kidney, leaf, or stem) consisting of cells and tissues and performing some specific function in an organism. b. : bodily …

Organs | definition of organs by Medical dictionary
    A differentiated structure or part of a system of the body; composed of tissues and cells; exercises a specific function (e.g., respiration, secretion, digestion). Synonym (s): …

Organ (anatomy) | definition of Organ (anatomy) by …
    organ system. A group of tissues or organs, often with a common …

Organ - Definition, Types and Examples
    An organ is a self-contained group of tissues that performs a specific function in the body. The heart, liver, and stomach are examples of organs in …

Medical Definition of Organ - MedicineNet
    Organ: A relatively independent part of the body that carries out one or more special functions. Examples of organs include the eyes, ears, heart, lungs, and liver. …

Medical Dictionary
    The American Heritage® Stedman's Medical Dictionary is ideal for both medical professionals and anyone who wants to keep up with the burgeoning array of terminology …

Online Medical Dictionary at WebMD: Find Definitions for …
    Medical student syndrome; microsurgical fertilization; Micturition syncope; Mineral oil; Mithridatism; Mittelschmerz; Moebius syndrome; mongolian spots; mono-diet; …

Organ donor | definition of organ donor by Medical …
    Organ donor | definition of organ donor by Medical dictionary TheFreeDictionary Google organ donor Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Wikipedia . organ donor …

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