At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Ovid Biomedical Collections. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Ovid - Ovid Biomedical Collection III | Wolters Kluwer
    Ovid Biomedical Collection III. Here's an essential selection of 14 biomedical journals in one convenient package. This invaluable package spans core disciplines, including …

Ovid - Ovid Core Biomedical Collection | Wolters Kluwer
    22 must-have medical journals in one convenient package - ideal for expanding your clinical or academic e-resource holdings! Now you can access 21 of the world's top cited …

Ovid - Ovid Biomedical Collection IV | Wolters Kluwer
    With the Ovid Biomedical Collection IV, you'll find 12 of the world's top cited medical journals in one convenient package. This is an invaluable resource for any clinician, …

Ovid Discovery Service | Wolters Kluwer
    Ovid Discovery is the world’s most advanced discovery platform developed specifically for health, biomedical, and pharmaceutical electronic libraries—helping solve the growing challenges of the digital library. It …

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