At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Pagetoid Cells Medical Definition. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Pagetoid cells | definition of pagetoid cells by Medical …
    pagetoid cells pag·et·oid cells atypical melanocytes resembling Paget cells, which see, found in some cutaneous melanomas of the superficial spreading type. Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012 pag·et·oid cells ( paj'ĕt-oyd selz) Atypical …

Pagetoid Definition & Meaning | Merriam-Webster Medical
    pagetoid adjective pag· et· oid ˈpaj-ə-ˌtȯid : belonging to or typical of Paget's disease pagetoid symptoms Dictionary Entries Near pagetoid Paget's disease pagetoid …

Pagetoid - Wikipedia
    Pagetoid (seen peripherally to a melanoma in situ. Pagetoid is a term used in dermatology to refer to "upward spreading" of abnormal cells in the epidermis (ie from bottom to top). …

Paget's disease of bone - Symptoms and causes - Mayo …

    Pagetoid melanocytosis: when is it significant? - PubMed
      Pagetoid melanocytosis refers to the presence of solitary and small groups of melanocytes in the superficial layers of the epidermis. Although it is generally …

    Pagetoid - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
      The process begins as individual neoplastic cells collect along the basement membrane of the terminal ductules and acini (Fig. 6-44). Accumulation of the cells uproots the …

    Pagetoid | definition of pagetoid by Medical dictionary
      The parameters evaluated by microscope include assessment of the following: presence of absence of melanocytes in the tumor (melanocytic or non-melanocytic tumor); cell …

    Paget cells | definition of Paget cells by Medical dictionary
      Pa·get cells. ( paj'ĕt ), relatively large, neoplastic epithelial cells (carcinoma cells) with hyperchromatic nuclei and abundant palely staining cytoplasm; in Paget disease of …

    Pagetoid reticulosis | definition of pagetoid reticulosis by …
      an abnormal increase in cells derived from or related to the reticuloendothelial cells. familial histiocytic reticulosis ( histiocytic medullary reticulosis ) a fatal hereditary disorder …

    Paget's cell | definition of Paget's cell by Medical dictionary
      Pag·et's cell (păj′ĭts) n. Any of the large, epithelial cells with clear cytoplasm associated with Paget's disease of the breast or an apocrine gland cancer of the skin. The American …

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