At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Para 1 Medical Term. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.
Para | definition of para by Medical dictionary
- A woman who has given birth to one or more infants. Para followed by a roman numeral or preceded by a Latin prefix (primi-, secundi-, terti-, quadri-, etc.) designates the number of times a pregnancy has culminated in a single or multiple birth; for example, para I, …
Gravida & Parity: Definition & Examples -
- 1. Para refers to the total number of pregnancies that reached a viable gestational age, excluding live births and stillbirths. True | False 2. A female who is having a third baby will...
Para- 1 | definition of para- 1 by Medical dictionary
- para-1 word element [Gr.], beside, near; resembling; accessory to; beyond; apart from; abnormal. Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied …
What Does the Phrase "gravida 2 Para 1" Mean?
- Para refers to the number of pregnancies resulting in a birth whether the birth was stillborn or living. The gravida number is fairly straightforward. Doctors …
Obstetrics Words | Gravida Para Abortus - Meditec
- primigravida gravida 1, G1: 1 pregnancy; secundigravida gravida 2, G2: 2 pregnancies; nullipara para: 0 offspring; Other Obstetrical Terms. Amniotic fluid: Fluid in a sac …
Gravida and Para - EMT Training Base
- The medical term para is separated into four subcategories that form the mnemonic TPAL. T – Number of term pregnancies. P – Number of preterm pregnancies. A – Number of abortions. L – Number of …
Medical Terms and Abbreviations: Merriam-Webster …
- Medical Terms and Abbreviations: Merriam-Webster Medical Dictionary Est. 1828 Medical Dictionary Search medical terms and abbreviations with the most up-to-date and comprehensive medical dictionary from the …
Medical Definition of Para- (prefix) - MedicineNet
- Para- (prefix): A prefix with many meanings, including: alongside of, beside, near, resembling, beyond, apart from, and abnormal. For example, the parathyroid glands …
Paraplegia: Definition, Causes, Treatment, and More
- Paraplegia is a type of paralysis that affects your ability to move the lower half of your body. It occurs when an illness or injury impacts the part of your nervous system which controls the lower...
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