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Partogram | definition of partogram by Medical dictionary
    partogram: ( par'tō-gram ), Graph of labor parameters of time and dilation with alert and action lines to prompt intervention if the curve deviates from expected. Synonym(s): Friedman curve , labor curve [L. partus, childbirth, + -gram]

Partogram - Wikipedia

    5.2 Monitoring labour and delivery | MSF Medical …
      5.2.1 Partograph. The partograph is a tool for monitoring maternal and foetal wellbeing during the active phase of labour, and a decision-making aid when abnormalities …

    WHO labour care guide: user’s manual - World Health …
      To facilitate effective implementation of the above recommendations, WHO reviewed and revised the design of the previous partograph. The LCG was designed for health personnel to monitor the …

    WHO Partograph for Beginner - Contemporary OB/GYN
      History of Partogram Friedman's partogram devised in 1954 was based on observations of cervical dilatation and foetal station against time elapsed in hours from …

    Abnormal Labor - StatPearls - NCBI Bookshelf
      Partogram has increasingly fallen out of use. Most labor and delivery units will have an established protocol for the administration of oxytocin that entails the administration of the proper medication and …

    partogram - General Practice notebook
      The partogram is a series of charted measurements which are used to assess the progress of labour. Partograms are designed to encourage a universal manner of dealing with …

    Partograph - SlideShare
      4. Partogram- Definition A composite graphical record of progress of labor on a single sheet of paper. It was developed and extensively tested by the WHO 1994. Can serve as an ‘early warning …

    Partograph - SlideShare
      Partogram by dr alka mukherjee dr apurva mukherjee nagpur m.s. india ... Page 1 Partograph Shrooti Shah Lecturer National Medical College Nursing Campus 2. Page 2 Definition • It is a …

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